~ ~ ~ Notes from Paper Lane: a GNE weblog

April 29, 2003

Loli writes:

Friends! GNE-rs! Lend us your ears! Actually your voices.
Check out our new project “Vox Populi”

Ever wondered what your fellow GNErs sounded like? Mesmerize your malleus, inspire your incus, and stimulate your stapes! Hear your fellow GNErs in an upcoming issue of Ludus Perpetuus. If you have the capability and wish to participate, make a sound file (example) no larger than 1M, and send it to (keep it clean, please). Satisfy your virtual voyuerism!

p.s. If you haven’t already, take the GNE survey! Why? Because!
(See Capo’s post below)

10:21 AM | | Comments (4)

April 26, 2003

Selva Morales writes: is back, everyone. Sorry for the long outage. It’s been a long road back.

02:52 AM | | Comments (8)

April 04, 2003

capodistria writes:

Lets all learn more about each other than we really want to know! We (Mina, Thymic and I) invite you to take the GNE Survey!

Void where prohibited. Limit 1 per customer.

01:04 AM | | Comments (9)

April 03, 2003

Eglantine writes:

Pssst, an interesting looking new feature on Eric’s blog

11:31 PM | | Comments (7)