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~ ~ ~ Notes from Paper Lane: a GNE weblog |
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Okay, so i logged in and this happened:
You are Connected.
Welcome. Thanks for trying it out.
Outis goes “ka-boom!”
Traducer: oh dear, are you alright outis?
Traducer thinks outis exploded
DeathsWill grabs traducers soul
Traducer: hhahahaha - Traducers dont HAVE souls - fool !
DeathsWill: so u can be here right now
Outis: SiS has my soul
DeathsWill: ahh i can be sis if i want
Outis: you should use the SiS account all the time, DW
Outis: and let your older brother keep the DW account
Traducer: DW - proof… http://tinyurl.com/jhz7
DeathsWill: nah not till the bing game
Traducer: eep - that doesnt work…
Outis: will liz hurley be there?
DeathsWill: what
Outis: will liz hurley be there to help us play the bing game
Outis: big cash prizes, right?
DeathsWill: what dose he gave his acount to me mean???
Traducer: hehe absinthe makes the heart grow fonder.
DeathsWill has left.
Satan is Santa is here.
Traducer: the other not.
Satan is Santa: hello
Traducer: Ah, SiS, DW just tried to grab my soul & wouldnt believe me when I said i didnt have one.
Traducer: http://host41.ipowerweb.com/~rejoicin/Traducer.html
Satan is Santa: i am dw u fool
Traducer: no your not
Traducer: your SiS.
Satan is Santa: yes i am
Traducer: nope
Outis: SiS = SiS
Satan is Santa: in satans body
Traducer: sorry dont believe you !
Outis: therefore my uncle is a monkey?
Satan is Santa: look how i talk
Outis closely examines the words
Satan is Santa hits outis
Outis: Okay, if you’re DW, SiS, then you’ll know what DW’s favourite colour is…
Deaths Will is here.
Deaths Will: ?me clime out of my hole
Outis: D W = DW ?
Satan is Santa: brb loli make sure he staus here
Deaths Will: this is me
Satan is Santa: who
Traducer: DW
Satan is Santa has left.
Deaths Will thorws a bome at SiS
Deaths Will has left.
DeathsWill is here.
Outis: hello again DW.
Traducer: wb DW
DeathsWill: where he go
Outis: did you just crash out?
Traducer: who ? SiS? he just left
DeathsWill: i was satan
DeathsWill: i can olny be one at a time
Traducer: oh - you have 2 pc’s ?
DeathsWill: no no no
DeathsWill: i ha ve 1
Traducer: DW, you were here and SiS was here, thats all i know.
Outis: you just missed him, SiS.
Traducer: oh and outis too
DeathsWill: and who was death will
Traducer: you are deathswill
DeathsWill: yes and he was death will
DeathsWill: or was it deaths will
Traducer: ?me is getting VERY confused now
DeathsWill: he had a space
Traducer: it was a HOLE, where his house is.
DeathsWill: my house is in convenchinal grove u fool
Traducer: he clearly said ” i clime out my hole” thats how we know its you…
DeathsWill: i dont do that anymore
Traducer: u did it yesterday… !
Traducer: and just now.
DeathsWill: i didnt do it when i came in here fist today
DeathsWill: i wasnt on yesterday
Traducer: ah, i wasnt here than
Traducer: SiS was just here too - u missed him
DeathsWill: stop it fools
Traducer: ?
DeathsWill: i was satan
DeathsWill: lets see he said
Traducer: you cant be satan, you are DW, and u were here when iS was here.
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle) is here.
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): help me
Traducer: *brb phone
DeathsWill: ha i told u
DeathsWill: hey dw
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): hello
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): give me back my acount
DeathsWill: u will be dw2
Outis: what on earth is going on?
DeathsWill: no i was here a long time ago
Outis: who is that new character?
DeathsWill: i have no fucking clue
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): plinku blinklu
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): i am DeathsWill
DeathsWill: no i am
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): the othur DW is false
Traducer: which other ?
DeathsWill grabs deaths wills soul
Outis: What’s going on here?
DeathsWill: i have always had this name
Traducer: So, this DW - Here Now ! - Is realyy Satan is Santa ?
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): no, you stole it from me
DeathsWill: no
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): when i tried to be Deaths Will
DeathsWill: i can be sis
Outis: SO
DeathsWill: i have his acount
Outis: DW is SiS
Outis: and DW (geniun) is the real DW?
DeathsWill: kind of but right now i am logged on as dw
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): DW is a lair i am DW
DeathsWill has left.
Satan is Santa is here.
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): SiS you stol my acount!
Satan is Santa: how could u be so foolish
Satan is Santa: lier
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): i wunt it bakc
Traducer: Hi SiS you just missed DW + another DW.. (i think)
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): u are the lrier
Satan is Santa: i know u fool he is lieing
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): whiy hayv yiuww stolen my acou n t
Outis: hmm.
Satan is Santa: tell me something in the proto type and u pass the test dw
Outis: SiS, what evidence do you have that you are not also using the DW (not genuine) account?
Satan is Santa: i know
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): liek whut, ho ?
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle) chops of SiS’s arm
Traducer: hehehe
Satan is Santa eats dw the fucking evil bigget
Outis: okay, SiS: what question are you going to ask DW(g) ?
Satan is Santa: so ha
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): my flying monkeyz wil kill yu
Satan is Santa: dw never owned the monkeys
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle) sumons fleeing munkez
Traducer hides from the flying monkeyz
Outis: Easy boys.
Outis: SiS - you said you had a Q?
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): ill aswer his qeustoin.
Satan is Santa starts to destroys the world
Outis: Okay, ask the question, SiS.
Outis: …
Satan is Santa: where was your house in the prototype
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): my house was in stneciltun
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): stencliton
Satan is Santa: wrong
Outis: DW(g), all the houses were in stencilton
Satan is Santa: what place in stencliton
Satan is Santa: i mean
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): you kno the answer to that1
Satan is Santa: well
Satan is Santa: yes so telll me
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): it has 2be a qeustion that only i woudl knwo
Satan is Santa: ha I dont say stuff like that
You have received a new IM from Traducer.
Satan is Santa: brn
Satan is Santa: brb
Satan is Santa has left.
You have received a new IM from Traducer.
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): Convivial Grove Lot #1
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): he is a fagget
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): i am the DW
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): dont blieve him Outsi
Traducer: sounds DW-ish to me :)
DeathsWill is here.
DeathsWill: hey all
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): fagget
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): Convival Grove numbre 1
DeathsWill: monkey rapper
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): now ask me somethnig olyn i cuouold kwon
Traducer: hmm Dw/SiS..
Satan is Santa has left.
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): Convivial Grove Lot #1
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): he is a fagget
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): i am the DW
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): dont blieve him Outsi
Traducer: sounds DW-ish to
DeathsWill: who do u hate the most
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle) raps like a monkey
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle) summons the monkzeys
You have received a new IM from Traducer.
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): i spayed my mkonkzouyz
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): thye wil ea t yow
DeathsWill: u must be the appacolips
DeathsWill: so what u teen killing fuck tard i asked u a fucking ?
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): i wil apopcloplopils yuo in a miniutes
DeathsWill: brb
DeathsWill: back
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): i am going to gte prof that i am DW an yuou a re the inpsostre
Traducer: Outis.. and whichever DW is the one I know - i have to get into the garden… back in an hour or so.
Outis: okay.
Traducer: byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Outis: i’m going to smoke a cig
DeathsWill: bey trad
Outis: SiS/DW/DW(g): I want to see some good evidence when I get back.
You have received a new IM from DeathsWill.
DeathsWill: who do u hate the most
DeathsWill: anserw me
DeathsWill: tell me in the next 5 sec or u dont know
DeathsWill: 5
DeathsWill: 4
DeathsWill: 3
DeathsWill: 2
DeathsWill: 1
DeathsWill: 0
Jaen Padryga is here.
DeathsWill: jp
DeathsWill: i am the real dw
Jaen Padryga: cool
Outis waves at Jaen
DeathsWill: he is a falk
Jaen Padryga: heya Outis!
DeathsWill: so outis who is the real dw
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): i htar u th e must u lairir
Jaen Padryga: stupid dark jedi, ruining my fun
Traducer: Just going out JP.. you got your away message on just in time ! ;)
Jaen Padryga: hee
Outis: Jaen, we seem to have 2 DWs
Jaen Padryga: Ace’s are wild
Jaen Padryga: we have a pair of DW
DeathsWill: no dw hates PARP the most
Jaen Padryga: I’ll raise you a Loli
DeathsWill: jaen i am real belive me
Jaen Padryga: Yeah, me too, DW, me too.
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): i am rael
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): jean, DW is not me
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): he has stolen mi acuont
Jaen Padryga: That is a true statement
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): i chnaged names to Deaths Will
Jaen Padryga: and your spelling skills
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): and he took Deathswill
Outis: it’s all very confusing…
DeathsWill: lets see remeber these
DeathsWill: Uses air freshener
everyone: mood +1000000 “Air freshener smells good. Smells like flowers!”
Outis: I remember those
DeathsWill: i have had this name seice i started
DeathsWill: yeah
DeathsWill: and i made it
Outis: I thought you were “Deaths Will” a little while ago?
DeathsWill: i have been here seice almost the begining of the prototype
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): uyour a lair i am rael
DeathsWill: i just didnt play for a long time
Jaen Padryga: I’m tired of the imposter
Outis does not know who to believe any more
DeathsWill: outis u are my fucking soul mate
Jaen Padryga: Thats a word DW doesn’t say very often
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle): my monkzeyz wil catch yuo
DeathsWill: and dw never ever sommoned the monkeys
DeathsWill (the geniun arti cle) has left.
Outis: well, i believe you DW
DeathsWill: they where made up by me but i never sommend them
Outis: i’m going to post the chat on PaperLane and see what everyone else makes of it all
Jaen Padryga: Well they could be both Death and Will being cute
Outis: you’re the only person who spells like that DW
Traducer has been fighting wild brambles with a pickaxe - the brambles are winning
Outis: I’m going to snip the chat here and post it to Paperlane
Outis snips the chat
Okay, so nobody found that interesting. Apologies for spamming the site. Has anybody got anything to say here?
I just saw it today (the inconveniences of being sick…). I have no clue what’s going on, except I notice that the DW(gen art)’s spelling is even worse than what one usually expects from DW. Any way to tell from social contact lists which name appears there?
Apologies for threadjack. I am unable to post this so have to do it as a comment to your thread for public record. (The results of the Bet are in tomorrow :) I will (hopefully) post it to ‘main’ whe I get a new p/word)
Meer Drache: I’m pregnant and tomorrow is my ultrasound to see if it’s a boy or a girl :)
Meer Drache: I posted it on my blog, but never said anything in chat
Traducer: YaY - Place yr Bets !!!
capodistria: i bet girl
Desi huggles meer
Meer Drache: hehe, thanks :)
Traducer: good luck
Desi: i bet girl
Meer Drache: we’re betting boy, but that’s only because the in-laws think they need one :)
Traducer: I hope its Twins !
Desi: i bet 5000 shekels in the big game that it’s a girl
Meer Drache: well, they know it’s not twins…
Desi: haha i hope fo rmeer’s sake they’re not twins
Desi: anyone wanna meet me for 5000 shekels?
Meer Drache is a twin, btw, Desi…watch what you say ;)
Traducer: So you wont be playing much Meer - just chasing Kids around for 5 years :)
Meer Drache: trad—we wanted the first 2 close together so they didn’t have to be an only child for too long ;)
Desi: “In my opinion the best parody game ever made, Bureaucracy is a hilarious game written by Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy creator Douglas Adams. The plot is simple enough: you have just moved to a new town and must get your bank to acknowledge your change of address form before embarking on your all-expense paid trip to Paris. “
Traducer: Youre a twin Meer? Identicals ?
Meer Drache: fraternal, trad
Desi: im a twin :)
Desi: fraternal for me too
Meer Drache: oh yeah! I read that on your blog once
Meer Drache: hehe, I never played bureaucracy either
Desi: haha funny game
Meer Drache: cool. I tried to convince my sister to play too, but she’s busier than I
Meer Drache: and desi, I’ll take up your 5000 itrg bet
Desi shakes hands with meer
Traducer: For posterity I bet Boy. 500 Shekels Capo ?
capodistria: you’re on trad
capodistria: lets raise the ante to something meaningful
capodistria: loser has to change their away message to read ‘capodistris is my personal God’
capodistria: or ‘traducer’ depending on the winner
capodistria: for a day
capodistria: and you must stay ‘away’ even if you are here
Traducer: For 7 days - i would do it on a Sunday when theres no one around
Traducer: or.. from Sunday to Wegnesday Capo.. :)
capodistria: ok
Traducer shakes on the bet
capodistria shakes too
capodistria: ifit is undetermined then bet is off
Sorry to continue this threadjack. It’s most likely a girl, so that means Capo and Desi win!
More details & pictures can be found at my blog.
I was surfing via my Web World Wide
When I came across a diviated site to hide
Its domain name was dumbass paperlane
I knew right off the WebMaster had no brain
I scurryed away and got offline
Thank you dumbass….you cannot rhyme
Nightmares now haunt me night and day
My life is ruined what more can I say?
-Chris / KillerPoetic
If you are interested in a rhyme for you
Dont go around feeling so blue
‘E’ me now and you’ll never regret
The feel and touch….You’ll never regret
who cares!
in the wild march wind, the hunt
strafing moor and down, employing
a lack of respect, chokes
on foxes entrails
a lack of regret.
using my superior linguistic capabilities I embody the Englisher when I utter ‘KillerPoetic’ to the mistral, beating the timps of alley street with a flat foot. The torch for a generation of creativity burns down and all you can offer is scorn. Remember how you knife? How you prepare a carcass for good eating? Baste yourselves in Castrol and cook on a parched californian hillside with a view of pollution, piss and shit swathing your thighs, a spontaneous erection at the glaze of your body. You are a Narc.
Pat down her auburn, you love her,
Rory. x