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May 31, 2003

Loli writes:

We have been graffitied! PARP has taken a bold step forward; they appear to be impatient for the game to begin, and are stealthily slithering up around our ankles. Take heed before they strike again!

May 31, 2003 09:47 AM
neddles writes:


PARP is after me! A “parp” google not only finds the GNE, but a thread from a science forum I have been known to participate in!

Is PARP after you too?

May 31, 2003 05:04 PM
Desi writes:

Fight against PARP! Treat all serious PARP members like babies! Worked on the GNE chat…

May 31, 2003 08:14 PM
Eglantine writes:

Is there a list of all PARP members somewhere?

May 31, 2003 10:35 PM
JH writes:

“Serious PARP members” -

Let me know who they are and I’ll have them removed immediately.

June 1, 2003 01:52 AM
Kyle (aka Yogi) writes:

I’m a PARP member, but I’m never very serious about it. Or at least no more serious than I am about anything else.

June 4, 2003 08:38 AM
Outis writes:

/me raises hand also (whilst doing a silly walk).

June 4, 2003 02:37 PM
Desi writes:

Apparently I’m a member too… how’d that happen?

June 5, 2003 12:48 AM
Meer writes:

You better be careful, Yogi. YOU may not take it seriously, but they’re like the Mafia: once you join…

June 5, 2003 09:04 AM
doubleA writes:

Oh, god! The horror!
There’s only one way we can counteract; every two minutes, everyone do a search for Ginger Altoids and/or Leisure Suits.

June 8, 2003 07:42 AM
Meer Drache writes:

Unlike altoids, at least PARP has something to do with the game. ;)

June 8, 2003 11:33 AM
James Holloway writes:

Citizens of Instancia!: The PARP Manifesto

We, the members of the People’s Army for Revolutionary Principles (PARP hereon) do hereby state our principles that shall at all times be acted upon in the best interests of all citizens*1 of the game neverending proper as is due to commence summer of 2003.


* oppose the oppression of the people.
* oppose stagnation of thought and activity.
* seek to reverse all oppression of the people by any means necessary.
* seek to reverse all stagnation of thought and activity by any means necessary.
* demand the taxation/tolling of funds for anyone entering the hub known as Civic Center, any future equivalent location, or any location where capitalist activities are known to take place.
* respond to the refusal to pay taxes/tolls with activity that citizens my deem to be “inappropriate”, “unpleasant”, “not fun” and “not what GNE is about”.
* act according to their own creativity, conscience, and consciousness.
* at any time, recruit citizens to carry out, covertly or openly, PARP activities. Refusal to cooperate my result in behaviour that citizens may deem to be strikingly similar to that behaviour that may take place on refusal to pay taxes.
* act leniently with reasonable/creative/unusual/unpredictable/sexually attractive citizens.
* respond openly to donations/gifts/ideas/conjecture.
* play.

* set moral or legal rules, guidelines or laws.
* seek to control


* in the absolute freedom of the individual.*2
* that familiarity breeds stagnation.
* in the advancement/development and natural progression of play.

* the attachment of emotion to purely theoretical and/or hypothetical discussion.
* the attachment of emotion to play.
* the aolisation of GNE.

All members of PARP are:
* Willing to listen to reason
* Not blinded by rules, rhetoric, guidelines, that which is deemed to be usual, CS gas, our own brilliance.
* Sane (as proven by certificates of sanity signed in duplicate by senior PARP members).
* Creative.
* Susceptible to tequila.
* Comfortable with their hypocrisy.

Any espousal of PARP principles by non-PARP members shall remain unrecognised by PARP.

*1 The best interests of the citizens of Instancia, when not obvious, shall be defined by PARP and its operating members.

*2 Except at such times that cause oppression of others, or cause the stagnation of thought and/or activity.

September 1, 2003 11:25 AM