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December 08, 2002

flippy rice writes:

A Chat Transcript

Note: User nepenthe was the first to figure this out

Joe Kavanagh: I just won Game Neverending!
Selva Morales: yay joe!
capodistria: excellent!
Thurgood Marshall: way to go Joe!
Joe Kavanagh: cool!
Joe Kavanagh has advanced to Level 16.
Thurgood Marshall: cool :)
capodistria: its neat. i was there when it was first
figured out.
Thurgood Marshall: And you know I love it when you do
all the work, Joe ;)
Thurgood Marshall: capo: I love how this exploits the
wee spaces of lag
capodistria: all thurgood has to do is stand there -
you do all the work
capodistria: Q.E.D
Thurgood Marshall: doh
capodistria: until you have them all
capodistria: give him all 4 devs and pick up 2 more
Thurgood Marshall: go for it
capodistria: now, you have to repeat this process
capodistria: but before they return you can pick up
Joe Kavanagh: yep
capodistria: they ‘bounce’ off thurgood
Joe Kavanagh: I did
capodistria: if all goes well, you should end up with
4 devs
Joe Kavanagh: ok
capodistria: jo: hand your 2 devs to thurgood quickly
and then quickly pick up 2 more devs off the floor
capodistria: ok.
Thurgood Marshall: they’re all there already
Joe Kavanagh: Stewart, Jason
capodistria: (wait, first buy all the devs and drop
them on the floor)
Joe Kavanagh: ok, I’ve got two
capodistria: now, joe needs to get as many devs as he
can - 1 or 2
Thurgood Marshall: heh
capodistria: they havs set a hard limit on weight at
300 but theres a tricky way around it
Thurgood Marshall: alright, now i’m at 217.42
Thurgood Marshall: oh?
capodistria: ah. you need to increase that to over 200
Thurgood Marshall: 300 total, and I’m carrying 17.42
capodistria: whats your load, thurgood?
Joe Kavanagh: ok, I got the funk
capodistria: def. get the funk
Joe Kavanagh: where is the funk?
Thurgood Marshall: joe: go get the funk
Thurgood Marshall: what’s it now?
Thurgood Marshall: it has?
Joe Kavanagh: I”ve got all minus the funk and devs
capodistria: thurgood: you know the process has
Thurgood Marshall: you got everything else ready?
Joe Kavanagh: I’m at the Bentown Mash backroom
Thurgood Marshall: joe: yeah
Joe Kavanagh: ok, can someone help me make a GNE?

(posted by flippy rice for capodistria)

December 8, 2002 08:05 PM
Thurgood Marshall writes:

Figured what out? ;)

December 9, 2002 07:17 PM
Lush writes:

How… dirty!

December 10, 2002 08:35 PM
nepenthe writes:

are ye…insuinating?? :)

December 10, 2002 10:18 PM
Thurgood Marshall writes:

Hey, well, was it as good for you as it was for me?

December 11, 2002 10:12 PM