“They live together without a King, without a Government, and everyone is his own master … They live according to nature, and may be called Epicureans rather than Stoics … the natives said that there was a great deal of Gold inland, and that it was not prized or considered of any great value there.”
—Amerigo Vespucci, New World, 1501.
It’s true, you don’t see many players down at The Mines, and gold bars aren’t worth a lot in the Plaza. And as for being Epicureans, who can question that who has consumed 20 Creme Brulees hastily in a forest clearing before tucking in to a Side of Beef.
And to think that all this will be thrown away/remade when the full game comes online - hopefully with some improvements such as local chat (2 or more chat channels would be nice, local, global and then some, with all the fun you get when someone types something into the wrong window).
And as we’re all getting used to the mere accumulation of wealth, it’s nice to see interesting invention instead: the art installations and the Grapes of Wrath-like class war breaking out in San Poshio where there’s a giant stack of shaming bowls of gruel in the lobby of Consume.
So in twenty years time, will we all feel a rush of nostalgia for the words ‘Hype is something you can believe’ as we do now for phrases like ‘There are some keys on the ground here. There is a shiny brass lamp nearby’? I hope so.